NRG Riverside recognises that it has an ethical and humanitarian responsibility to address climate change and people’s wellbeing. We have been on a journey since November 2022 to create an ESG Charter that we believe is sustainable, measurable and deliverable over the next few years.

We are taking practical steps to

• Protect the planet: By reducing waste, energy, and water consumption.
• Care for people and our communities: Ensuring we adopt an ethical people partnership, improving health and wellbeing and creating value in our communities.
• Enhance our business ethics and accountability: Establishing a sustainable supply chain, ethical governance practices and improving health and safety.

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We have begun to develop the following strategy.

protect the plannet

Priority 1

ProtectThe Planet

To promote the transition to alternatively fuelled vehicles and maximise energy and waste efficiency by 2030.


Priority 2

Care for Peopleand Communities

Deliver a policy of people and community engagement activities for each NRG Riverside location by 2025.

protect the plannet

Priority 3

Operate Ethicallyand Transparently

Implement a policy of supply partnerships who share our ethical and sustainability values by 2030.

Download the latest ESG Commitments for 2024

Download PDF

Our StrategySustaining our planet, people and performance



one planet

One Planet

supply chain

Supply Chain



Customers & community


